Forum for organs and tissues donors’ families next May 26th
We will be pleased to welcome you on next May 26th from 9h00 to 15h30 at Pointe-Valaine’s community center at 85 Oxford, Otterburn Park (Google Maps), 45 min from Montreal.
Registration is free and a lunch will be graciously offered to you. The day’s program is available here (french).
Places are limited, register online now here (french).
They receive because you give…

A word from the founder
“Welcome! I hope that the information on this site will convince you of the importance of our cause.
Donors and their families act in complete altruism. They save lives, all the while asking for nothing in return. Yet, some of them live through tragedies silently and anonymously. These selfless actors deserve our utmost respect and recognition. We must assist them so that they can rise from the incredibly difficult journey of grief and organ donation, all with strength and dignity.
Many organisations exist, some of which promote organ donation, others of which support patients with transplants. However, so few organisations are dedicated to donors and their families.
In this spirit, I founded the Mission, with the hopes of making a difference for donors and their loved ones. ”
Doctor Pierre Marsolais
Internist, intensivist
Mission’s President